Gurugram: DTCP official meets Chintels Paradiso residents

GURUGRAM Accused of being indifferent to the frequent complaints about safety of the buildings, the district town and country planning department here has now swung into action following the partial collapse of Chintels Paradiso housing complex, killing two women.

Gurugram district town planner RS Bhath, who visited the society on Monday, held a marathon meeting with the residents and got the approval for a structural audit of the tower from IIT Delhi.

“We will be ready with the latest rehabilitation plan by tomorrow and get it done by the builder. We have already got the approval from IIT Delhi for the audit,” Bhath told PTI.
Reacting to allegations of the department sitting on repeated complaints, Bhath said, “We did get complaints for E F G and H towers…they had issues with their balconies. We got the audits done and structural changes were made. We have been here since day one and will resolve this.”

Two women were killed and a few others trapped under the rubble when a portion of Chintels Paradiso housing complex collapsed on Thursday evening. The dining room floor of a sixth-floor apartment first came down, triggering the collapse of roofs and floors directly under it, till the first floor.

Following protests by the local people demanding action against the builder, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday ordered a structural audit of the building.

Following four days of inquiry, an FIR was registered against seven people, including the builder, structural engineer and the contractor.

Meanwhile, the local residents have launched a hunger strike demanding a CBI inquiry into the case and arrests of the accused.

“Police is being soft with the sections in the FIR. Book them for murder and get an independent inquiry done,” Rakesh Hooda, president of the residents’ welfare association, Chintels Paradiso society, said.

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